Chú thích Trận_Wartenburg

  1. Gregory Fremont-Barnes, The encyclopedia of the French revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: a political, social, and military history, Tập 1, trang 409
  2. William Deans, A history of France from the earliest times to the present day, Tập 4, trang 473
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 Thomas Gamaliel Bradford, Encyclopædia americana: a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics, and biography, brought down to the present time; including a copious collection of original articles in American biography; on the basis of the seventh edition of the German conversations-lexicon, Tập 13, trang 69
  4. Ritter Von Leeb, Waldemar Erfurth, Roots of Strategy: 3 Military Classics, trang 330
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Peter Hofschr?er, Leipzig 1813: The Battle of the Nations, các trang 61-62.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 Michael V. Leggiere, Napoleon and Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813, trang 253
  7. Henri Martin, A popular history of France from the first revolution to the present time, Tập 2, trang 443
  8. Theodore Ayrault Dodge, Napoleon; a History of the Art of War: From Lützen to Waterloo, with a detailed account of the Napoleonic wars, trang 203
  9. General Carl Von Clausewitz, On War, trang 201
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Camridge Modern History, các trang 531-532.
  11. Edwin Evers, Brandenburgisch-Preussische Geschichte bis auf die neueste Zeit, trang 290
  12. 1 2 Edward Wigglesworth, Thomas Gamaliel Bradford, Encyclopædia Americana: a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics, and biography, brought down to the present time; including a copious collection of original articles in American biography; on the basis of the seventh edition of the German Conversations-Lexicon, Tập 13, trang 303
  13. L. Murray, The young man's best companion, and book of general knowledge, trang 388
  14. Heinrich Friedrich Theodor Kohlrausch, A history of Germany: from the earliest period to the present time, các trang 456.
  15. Roger Parkinson, Encyclopedia of Modern War, trang 347
  16. Andrew Uffindell, Waterloo Commanders: Napoleon, Wellington and Blucher, trang 104
  17. Peter Hofschroer, Prussian Reserve, Militia & Irregular Troops 1806-15, trang 37

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